Pemeriksaan EBER sebagai identifikasi infeksi virus Epstein-Barr pada karsinoma nasofaring
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, EBER expression, stage and histopathological typeAbstract
Latar belakang: Protein Epstein-Barr Virus Encoded Small RNA (EBER) ditemukan pada sebagian besar jaringan karsinoma nasofaring (KNF). Hal ini merupakan bukti bahwa infeksi virus Epstein-Barr (VEB) menjadi salah satu penyebab terjadinya KNF. Penurunan ekspresi EBER dipengaruhi oleh maturasi sel dan diferensiasi sel karsinoma. Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi hubungan ekspresi EBER dengan stadium dan jenis histopatologi pada penderita KNF. Metode: Penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan di Unit Rawat Jalan Telinga Hidung Tenggorok - Bedah Kepala Leher Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Doktorr. Soetomo Surabaya mulai bulan November 2015 hingga Oktober 2016 dengan consecutive sampling. Fisher exact test untuk melihat hubungan ekspresi EBER dengan stadium KNF. Hasil: Ekspresi EBER dari seluruh sampel didapati negatif sebanyak 23,33%, positif lemah sebanyak 10%, positif sedang sebanyak 33,33%, dan positif kuat sebanyak sebanyak 33,33%. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik menunjukkan hubungan antara ekspresi EBER dengan stadium KNF didapatkan p=0,623, sedangkan ekspresi EBER dengan jenis histopatologi KNF diketahui p=0,204. Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara ekspresi EBER dengan stadium KNF, maupun antara ekspresi EBER dengan jenis histopatologi KNF.
Kata kunci: Karsinoma nasofaring, ekspresi EBER, stadium dan jenis histopatologi
Background: Protein of Epstein Barr Virus Encoded Small RNA (EBER) have found in most of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tissue which prove that NPC was caused by Epstein Barr Virus Infection (EBV). EBER expression decreased was triggered by maturation and differentiation cell EBER expression in NPC patients. Purpose: To identify association between EBER expression and histopathological type of NPC. Method: This study was an observational analytic with cross-sectional design. This study occured at Inpatients Unit of Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery of Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, November 2015 - October 2016. Samples were collected by consecutive sampling. Statistical analysis was using Fisher’s exact test. Result: The EBER expression from all sample there were 23.33% negative, 10.00% weak positive, 33.33% moderate positive, and 33.33% strong positive. Statistical analysis was obtained p=0.623 and the association between EBER expression with stage of NPC was obtained p=0.204. Conclusion: There was no association between EBER expression and stage NPC, nor histopathological type of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Keywords: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, EBER expression, stage and histopathological type